About Me

I am a faculty member in the department of mathematics (Maths) at Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar (IIT-RPR), India.

My research interests are:

  • Inverse problems related to PDEs
  • Geometric inverse problems
  • Integral geometry
  • Inverse scattering problems
  • Partial differential equations

Work Experience

  • June, 2023 to present : Assistant Professor in the department of mathematics (Maths) at Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar (IIT-RPR), India.
  • September, 2020 to June, 2023 : Assistant Professor in the department of mathematics (Maths) at Indian Institute of Technology, Jammu (IIT-JMU) India.
  • December 2018 to June, 2020 : Post-doctoral fellow in the division of Applied and Computational Mathematics (ACM) of Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing (CSRC), China.
    Mentor : Professor Guang-Hui Hu
  • August-November, 2018 : Post-doctoral fellow at
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM) Bangalore, India
    Mentor : Professor Venkateswaran P. Krishnan


  • August 2015 to July 2018 : Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics from
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM) Bangalore, India
    Advisor : Professor Venkateswaran P. Krishnan
    Thesis Title: Some inverse problems in hyperbolic partial differential equations, defended on July 13, 2018; (PDF).
  • August 2014 to July 2015 : Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Mathematics from
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM) Bangalore, India
    Advisor : Professor Venkateswaran P. Krishnan
    Thesis title : Inverse problems related to hyperbolic partial differential equations and hybrid imaging.
  • July 2012 to July 2014 : Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mathematics from
    Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) Centre for Applicable Mathematics (CAM) Bangalore, India
    Courses studied.
  • July 2009 to July 2012 : Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) honours in Mathematics from
    Pt. Neki Ram Sharma (NRS) Govt. College, Rohtak, affiliated to
    Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak, Haryana, India
    Courses studied.



Research articles

  1. Nitesh Kumar, Tanmay Sarkar and Manmohan Vashisth; Stable determination of a time-dependent matrix potential for a wave equation in an infinite waveguide, Accepted for publication in Communications on Analysis and Computation (CAC-2024). PDF
  2. Rahul Bhardwaj, Rohit Kumar Mishra and Manmohan Vashisth; Inversion of generalized V-line transforms of vector fields in R2, Submitted (arXiv).
  3. Nitesh Kumar, Tanmay Sarkar and Manmohan Vashisth; Boundary determination of coefficients appearing in a perturbed weighted p-Laplace equation, Submitted (arXiv).
  4. Rohit Kumar Mishra, Anamika Purohit and Manmohan Vashisth; Inverse problem for a time-dependent Convection-diffusion equation in admissible geometries, Submitted (arXiv).
  5. Maarten V. de Hoop, Takashi Furuya, Ching-Lung Lin, Gen Nakamura and Manmohan Vashisth; Local recovery of a piecewise constant anisotropic conductivity in EIT on domains with exposed corners, Inverse Problems, 39 (2023), no. 2, Paper No. 025005, 26 pp. (IP-2023). PDF
  6. Gen Nakamura, Tanmay Sarkar and Manmohan Vashisth; Reconstruction for the time-dependent coefficients of a quasilinear dynamical Schroedinger equation, Preprint (arXiv).
  7. Soumen Senapati and Manmohan Vashisth; Stability estimate for a partial data inverse problem for the convection-diffusion equation, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, Vol. 11, No. 5, October 2022, pp. 1681–1699. (EECT-2021) PDF
  8. Manmohan Vashisth; Unique determination of the damping coefficient in the wave equation using point source and receiver data, Submitted (arXiv).
  9. Gen Nakamura, Manmohan Vashisth and Michiyuki Watanabe; Inverse Initial Boundary Value Problem for a Non-linear Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equation, Inverse Problems, Volume 37 (2020) no. 1, 015012. (IP-2020) PDF
  10. Guang-Hui Hu, Manmohan Vashisth and Jiaqing Yang; Inverse time-harmonic electromagnetic scattering from coated polyhedral scatterers with a single far-field pattern, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, Volume 81, (2021) no. 1, 25–46.(SIAP-2020) PDF
  11. Ibtissem Ben Aïcha, Guang-Hui Hu, Manmohan Vashisth and Jun Zou; Uniqueness for time-dependent inverse problems with single dynamical data, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 497, Issue 2, (2021), 124910. (JMAA-2020) PDF
  12. Guang-Hui Hu and Manmohan Vashisth; Uniqueness to inverse acoustic scattering from coated polygonal obstacles with a single incoming wave, Inverse Problems, Volume 36 (2020) no. 10, 105004. (IP-2020) PDF
  13. Venkateswaran P. Krishnan, Soumen Senapati and Manmohan Vashisth; A uniqueness result for light ray transform on symmetric 2-tensor fields, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications Volume 26, 40 (2020). (JFAA-2020) PDF
  14. Rohit Kumar Mishra and Manmohan Vashisth; Determining the time dependent matrix potential appearing in a wave equation from partial boundary data, Applicable Analysis Volume 100 (2021) No. 16, 3492-3508. (AA-2020) PDF
  15. Cătălin I. Cârstea, Gen Nakamura and Manmohan Vashisth; Reconstruction for the coefficients of a quasilinear elliptic partial differential equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 98, December 2019, Pages 121-127. (AML-2019) PDF
  16. Suman Kumar Sahoo and Manmohan Vashisth; A partial data inverse problem for the convection-diffusion equation, Inverse Problems and Imaging, Volume 14, No. 1, Pages 53–75.(IPI-2020) PDF
  17. Manmohan Vashisth; An inverse problem for the wave equation with source and receiver at distinct points, Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, Volume 27, Issue 6, Pages 835–843.(JIIP-2019) PDF
  18. Venkateswaran P. Krishnan and Manmohan Vashisth; An inverse problem for the relativistic Schroedinger equation with partial boundary data, Applicable Analysis, Volume 99 (2020), No. 11, 1889-1909. (AA-2019) PDF

Research grants

Research visits

Talks and conference presentations

  1. Extension lecture (online) at Govt. College Narnaul, Haryana on September 16, 2024. (Talk title: Integral Transforms and their Applications).
  2. Delivered a series of lectures in an Instructional School for Teachers (IST) on Partial Differential Equations and their Applications to Image Processing (ATM School) , during June 3-15, 2024, at Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India. (Talk title: Sobolev spaces and variational formulation for PDEs).
  3. Math Colloquium at IISER, Mohali, Punjab, India on November 15, 2023. (Talk title: Fundamental solutions to PDEs and inverse problems).
  4. Mathematics Colloquium at IIT, Jammu, J&K, India on May 26, 2023. (Talk title: Lagrange multiplier method and its applications in linear algebra).
  5. One Day Conclave on National Mathematics Day, 2022, organised by the Department of Mathematics, Cluster University of Jammu, J&K, India, on December 22, 2022. (Talk title : Gamma function and its applications).
  6. Online seminar talk at Laboratoire de Modélisation Mathématique et Numérique dans les Sciences de l'Ingénieur (LAMSIN) Université de Tunis El Manar, Tunisia,on April 14, 2021. (Talk title : Inverse boudary value problems for nonlinear PDEs) (Video link).
  7. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER-B) Bhopal, India, on March 6, 2020. (Talk title : A partial data inverse problem for the Convection-diffusion equation).
  8. Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER-B) Bhopal, India, on February 24, 2020. (Talk title : Inverse problems related to pde and integral geometry).
  9. TIFR Centre Applicable Mathematics, (CAM) Bengaluru, India, on February 14, 2020. (Talk title : A partial data inverse problem for the Convection-diffusion equation).
  10. RIMS Workshop on "Analysis of inverse problems through partial differential equations and related topics" (RIMS-2020) during January 8-10, 2020, at Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan. (Talk title : Reconstruction for the coefficients of a quasilinear elliptic partial differential equation).
  11. Conference on Modern Challenges in Imaging, In the Footsteps of Allan MacLeod Cormack, On the Fortieth Anniversary of his Nobel Prize (Imaging-2019) during August 5-9, 2019, at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts, USA. (Talk title : A uniqueness result for a light ray transform of two tensor field).
  12. Annual International Conference "Days on Diffraction" (DD-2019) during June 3-7, 2019, at St. Petersburg Branch of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russia. (Talk title : Reconstruction for the coefficients of a quasilinear elliptic partial differential equation).
  13. A mini-workshop on inverse problems and PDEs, organised by Prof. Guang-Hui Hu at Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), Beijing, China, On December 10, 2018. (Talk title: Some inverse problems in hyperbolic partial differential equations).
  14. The 9th International Conference on Inverse Problems and Related Topics (ICIP-2018) during August 13-17,2018, Singapore, organised by National University of Singapore (NUS). (Talk title: Inverse boundary value problems for non-linear hyperbolic PDE).
  15. Beijing Computational Science Research Center (CSRC), Beijing, China on February 7, 2018. (Talk title : A partial data inverse problem for the Covection-diffucion equation).
  16. Conference on Recent Developments in Partial Differential Equations (CAM) during Aug 18-19, 2017, organised by TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics (TIFR-CAM), Bangalore, India on the Occasion of 10th year celebration of TIFR-CAM at Yelhanka Campus. (Talk title : Determination of time-dependent coefficients for a hyperbolic inverse problem from partial data).
  17. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (HOKUDAI) on June 16, 2017. (Talk title : Determination of time-dependent coefficients for a hyperbolic inverse problem from partial data).
  18. The 9th International Conference on Applied Inverse Problems (AIP-2017) during May 29 - June 2, 2017, Hangzhou, China, organised by School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University Hangzhou, China. (Talk title : Determination of time-dependent coefficients for a hyperbolic inverse problem from partial data).
  19. International Conference of The Indian Mathematics Consortium (TIMC) in cooperation with American Mathematical Society (AMS) (BHU-2016) during December 13-17, 2016, BHU-Varanasi, India. (Talk title : Determination of time-dependent coefficients for a hyperbolic inverse problem from partial data).
  20. International conference on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications (ICMAA-2016) during November 28 - December 2, 2016, IIT-Roorkee, India. (Talk Title : Inverse Problems for Wave Equation in 3-D with Under-determined Data).
  21. The 8th International Conference on Inverse problems: modeling and simulation (IPMS-2016) during May 23-28, 2016, Turkey, organised by Izmir University, Turkey. (Talk Title : Inverse problems for wave equation with under-determined data).
  22. Airbus project meeting talk in 2016, TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, India. (Talk Title : Inverse problems for wave equation with source and receiver at distinct points).
  23. In-house symposium Talk on August 5, 2015 in TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bangalore, India. (Talk Title : Inverse Problems in Hybrid Imaging).


Instructor (at IIT Ropar)

  1. Analysis on Manifolds (MA632) departmental elective for MSc and PhD students (July-November, 2024) Course handout
  2. Mathematical Methods (MA512) (jointly with Prof. Manoranjan Mishra) core course for M.Sc. 3rd semester (July-Novemeber, 2024) Course handout
  3. Matrix Computations (DS502) core course for M.Sc. in Data Science and Management (July-Novemeber, 2024) Course handout
  4. Linear Algebra, Integral Transforms and Special Functions (MA102) (jointly with Dr. Balesh Kumar) core course for B.Tech. 2nd semester, summer semester during May 20, 2024 to July 11, 2024 Course handout
  5. Advanced Partial Differential Equations (MA717) departmental elective for MSc and PhD students (January-May, 2024) Course handout
  6. Linear Algebra, Integral Transforms and Special Functions (MA102) (jointly with Dr. Tapas Chatterjee, Dr. Partha Sharathi Dutta and Dr. Santanu Sarkar) core course for B.Tech. 2nd semester (January-May, 2024) Course handout
  7. Mathematical Methods (MA512) core course for M.Sc. 3rd semester (August-December, 2023) Course handout
  8. Applied Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis (MA614) (Jointly with Dr. Sairam Kaliraj) departmental elective for B.Tech., MSc and PhD students (August-December, 2023)Course handout

Instructor (at IIT Jammu)

  1. Linear Algebra and Differential Equations (jointly with Dr. Arvind Kumar), for B.Tech. second semester (March-July, 2023) Course handout
  2. Analysis on Manifolds, Graduate level course, January-May, 2023 Course handout
  3. Functional Analysis (jointly with Dr. Arvind Kumar), Graduate level course, January-May, 2023 Course handout
  4. Probability and Statistics for M.Tech. students, August-December, 2022 Course handout
  5. Introduction to Geometry and Geometric Analysis, Graduate level course, August-December, 2022 Course handout
  6. Inverse Problems for linear hyperbolic PDEs, in an "Advanced Instructional School (AIS-IP) on Inverse Problems" held at TIFR CAM, Bengaluru, India, during July 4-23, 2022.
  7. Linear Algebra and Applications, January-May, 2022 Course handout
  8. Basic PDEs (jointly with Dr. Tanmay Sarkar), Graduate level course (January-May, 2022) Course handout
  9. Functional Analysis and Applications, Graduate level course (September, 2021 to January, 2022) Course handout
  10. Advanced Analysis, Graduate level course (September, 2021 to January, 2022) Course handout
  11. Calculus (jointly with Dr. Rahul Kitture), for B.Tech. first semester (November, 2020 to March, 2021) Course handout

Teaching Assistant (at TIFR-CAM, Bangalore)


PhD students

  1. Rahul Bhardwaj; joined in March, 2021.
  2. Mandeep Kumar; joined in September, 2021.
  3. Parveen Kumar; joined in January, 2023.
  4. Vinay Rana; joined in October, 2023.

Masters students

Summer Interns




Manmohan Vashisth
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar
Rupnagar, Punjab, 140001, India
